Minggu, 27 September 2015

The Early Periods of English History

illustration cr.meixnermessages.blogspot.
First there were Iberians, the earliest people who settled in England, brought their metal- skill working and the first real civilization to Britain in the 3rd millenium BC (3000 BC). And then were overrun by the various Celtic invasion beginning in the 8th century BC.

Afterwards, The Celt became second race or ethnic that landed in England, brought with them their tribal organization and an early form agriculture. They were considered as the Ancient Brintons (Scottish, Irish, and Welsh). In 43 AD Britons were defeated by Romans (Aulius Plautius).

The Romans were firstly introduced Christianity and influenced Britain more than 4 centuries, from 55 BC up to 410 AD. Besides, they transformed systematic agricultural system, architecture, found several important towns, and built some the chief roads. The Romans left England in 410 AD because Emperor Honorious refused to send troops to Britain, the British became more or less Romanized. There was a Celtic revival after the Romans left which remove much Romanism before the Anglo-Saxon conquest.

The Anglo-Saxons were the pirates from northwest of Germany (Norwegia, Swedia, Scoandinavia, Denmark) who landed an settle in Thant and Kent in about 449 AD. The Anglo-Saxons were fewer in number and mixed with the Britons to become one people influenced by Roma buildings and roads. The Saxons settled in “Kindreds” or family groups consisting of Eorls, Ceorl, and Serf/Slave (from the highset to the lowest). There some famous Saxons Kings which were King Arthur, Offa of Mercia, Egbert of Wessex and Alfred the Great. The Danes who began invading England in 851 and won all England except Wessex in 875 under their king Gusthrum defeat King Alfred in 876.

Under King Gusthrum, The Danes (Danish) in 876 invaded and defeated King Alfred that forced him to take refuge at Athleney and became English Kings. In the 10th century England fell under the Danish rule with King Canute who finally succeeded to unite the Anglo-Saxons and the Danes at the the beginning of 11th century. After the Danish rule, England was under Edward the Confessor (1042-1066) his policy was completely pro. Norman leading to the conquest of England by William of Normandy in 1066.

William of Normandy or William the Conqueror successfully invaded England in January 1066 with the support of the strong fleet, many knights and the blessing of the Pope. It happen after the death of Edward os Confessor who was succeeded by Harold who was still a boy. The results of the Norman Conquest, kings  more powerful and governed more orderly.

Feudalism was firstly introduced in England by Saxons, Danish and Norman Kings in 9th century until about 15th century. Feudalism as a system is a chain of hierarchical personal relationship of rights and duties depending an a man’s position as landholder.

sumber: Introductory Study on The History of English (Pengantar Sejarah Inggris), Concised by Drs. H. Mundari, Dipl. TEFL

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